Essential teaching assignments

Guest Professor at the Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni at the Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) for a workshop on sustainable construction for the Master course MIAW, Italy (15-25.01.2018).



Teaching assignment at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain “Experience in Retrofitting Building and other Topics of Sustainable Design”, 09-10.11.2017.



Teaching assignment at the Fachhochschule

Campus Wien (University for applied Science, Vienna) on the topic of “Climate-friendly building”, exercises



Teaching assignment at the University for applied Science, Vienna, on the subject of “climate-friendly construction”, Exercises

Seit 2017


Swegon Webinar Air Academy

„Effects of solar radiation in architecture, high performing buildings and mechanical ventilation system”

“Auswirkungen der Sonneneinstrahlung in der Architektur, leistungsstarke Gebäude und das mechanische Lüftungssystem”

9.06.2016, engl. und dt., jeweils 1,5h, Stockholm, Schweden



Guest Professor at the Masterprogram “Dipartamento di Archittetura, Design Urbanistica” Universitá di Sassari, Dipartimento del PovSalit “Building on the waterfront” – Settlements for a sustainable coastal area Alghero / Sardinia (IT)

Seminar and Lecture, – Piazza Duomo 6, Alghero 02.-06.03.2015



Teaching assignment at the University of Applied Sciences Campus Wien (University for applied Science, Vienna, (Bachelor degree program Architecture- Green Building in the FH ranking on assignment of the industry magazine in the field of “Construction, Architecture” 1st place; 2017; Sustainability Award 2018: 2nd place to degree program Architecture – Green Building)) on the topic of residential construction, lecture and exercises.

Seit 2014


“Design Supervision”, teaching assignment (2014 joint with Martha Enriquez-Reinberg) at Isthmus Norte Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseno de America Latine y el Caribe, Museo Casa Redon-da, Chihuahua, Mexico (3-10.03.2014).

2014 u. 2017   


Teaching assignment at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain



Teaching assignment for the Summer University, Vienna University of Technology

2012 – 2014


Teaching assignment for Green.Building.Solutions, Summer University Vienna, lecture and design supervision (

Seit 2011


Lecture at the “Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de America Latina, Panama”



Lecture at the Universidad de Colima, Mexico



Lecturer at the Post-Graduate Course “Building Ecology and Human Ecology”, Vienna University of Technology



Lecturer in the postgraduate master program „Urban Wood“, Vienna University of Technology



Lecture at the Universidad de los Andes: Lecciones de Arquitetura y Solenibilidad Bogota, Kolumbia



Co-organizer and member of the scientific advisory board of the TIA (Teaching in Architecture) Congress at the Danube University Krems, 14-15.9.2007



Lecturer (Faculity member) in the Postgraduate MSc Program: Renewable Energy in Central and Eastern Europe, Vienna University of Technology, Continuing Education Center (TU Vienna, CEC), 2016 renamed MSc Renewable Energy Systems

seit 2006


Lecture at the “Escuola de Arquitectura y Desino de America Latina y Caribe” (e-isthmos), Panama City, 21.9 – 25.9. 2004



Called for a three-year professorship at the an der Università degli Studi della Basilicata Dipartimento di Architettura, Potenza, Basilicata (nicht angenommen)



Lecturer at the Ökozentrum Hamm, NRW, BRD

2002 – 2004


Teaching assignment “Solar architecture”, Università degli Studi della Basilicata Dipartimento di Architettura, Potenza, Basilicata

2001 – 2002


“Operational environmental protection” Lecturer of the seminar “Ecological construction in operational facilities“, Gutwinski Management GmbH, Perchtoldsdorf – Mödling

2000 – 2001


Member of the scientific advisory board “Redevelopment Management” and since 2008 also “Redevelopment and Revitalization” at the Danube University Krems

seit 2000


Instituto Superior de Arquitectura y Diseno de Chihuahua, Ch. Curso: „Clima, energia, naturaleza y arquitectura“ in the framework of the “Trailler de America”, July 3 to 15, 2000. lectures and design support



Intensive Programme „Bioclimatic Design in Urban Regeneration for a Sustainable Development“, Florence, June 6-13, 2000, Socrates/Erasmus, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Lectures and Design Assistance



Teaching assignment at the Graz University of Technology: “Solares Bauen” (Lehrveranstaltung 307041)

1999 – 2006


Online distance learning course: green academy: “Architecture of solar construction” and “Winter gardens”. (

1998 – 2002


Member of the scientific advisory board “Future Building Solutions – Solar Architecture” at the Danube University Krems (Master of Building Science)

seit 1997


Guest professor at Danube University Krems: Department for Building and Environment Future Building Solutions (MSc): Study course Solar Architecture as well as “Refurbishment and Revitalization”.

seit 1997


Teaching position at the Vienna University of Technology: Supervision of the “Interdisciplinary Project for Technical Environmental Protection” (Prost graduate study)

1995 – 1996


Teaching assignment at the Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Urban Design: Design supervision: “Städtebaustudio”.

1995 – 1996


Teaching assignment at the Camillo-Sitte-Lehranstalt Vienna on the subject: “Ecological residential, office and urban construction” (evening school for graduates)

1994 – 1995


Lecturer and master class head at the International Solar Building School Vorarlberg, Summer Seminar Solar Architecture

1994 – 1995


University assistant at the Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Building Science (Prof. Anton Schweighofer)

1983 – 1986