Our Philosophy

1. Wealth for everyone!

The relatively new awareness of people that our resources are limited, brought a new idea, a new concept of how humanity should develop. Für uns ist es ein Konzept, das die Begrenztheit der Ressourcen erkennt, auf die unbegrenzte Ressource der Sonne setzt und daran glaubt, dass innerhalb dieses Konzeptes ein wahrer Reichtum für jeden erzielbar ist. A wealth that does not correspond to the greed of the individual, but a wealth that offers enough for everyone in terms of culture, social and quality of life.

We consider the exploitation of nature and the exploitation of man by man as destructive for this. Rather, we expect from the respect of man towards man, towards nature and towards its cycles as a basis for a new possible wealth for everyone.

2. Solar architecture

In this sense we develop our urban concepts and our architecture. Eine Architektur, die dazu beiträgt, neuen Reichtum zu schaffen. Unsere Bauten sollen im Einklang mit der Ökologie stehen und besonders reiche Erlebnisqualitäten bieten. Entsprechend dem Paradigmenwechsel in der Sicht der Welt schaffen wir neue Architektur. Wir nennen sie „Solararchitektur“. Solar architecture stands for an attitude with which we want to leave the world without gross destruction in our projects and create a certain “richness” in the form of beautiful spaces and good architecture for the inhabitants with our buildings.

In this sense we want to build ecologically, and we are interested in the question: What does the corresponding architecture look like? With this question we want to develop architecture. Thus it is a goal to build such houses, Thus it is a goal to build such houses,

  • which in the construction itself relieve the environment (e.g. CO2 landfill, enrichment for flora and fauna etc.)
  • which generate more energy than they consume in the whole operation, promote human health and enable harmony
  • that are completely recyclable

We work on buildings that offer rich architecture and should be part of a new wealth for everyone.

It is in this spirit that we develop our urban concepts and our architecture. Eine Architektur, die dazu beiträgt, neuen Reichtum zu schaffen. Our buildings should be in harmony with ecology and offer particularly rich experiential qualities. According to the paradigm shift in the way we see the world, we create new architecture